Evidence based Access and Safety  



 Evidenced based Access and Cyber Safety


The countries which practiced Pancha Sheel have adopted good governing system in the world. The focus was also on Human Capital Development. Nepal has to explore retrieving stone documented rich information of the past. The knowledge gained from this region of the world was implemented in  Korea, Japan, China,  Tibet, Laos , Vietnam,  Thailand  etc. United Nation has reported that countries who adopted these practices (Buddhist econmy) have flourished. The country, the birth place of Gautam Buddha,  remained poor. In the past the local citizens had to flee for being attacked by rulers who replaced such best Human Development practices by convincing innocent citizens to believe more into focusing on  blind faith based on illusionary theory by  engaging them more on superstitious unproductive rituals. They succeeded in filling contents of those innocent brains with fear related belief system erasing the  Human Capital development policies of the past.

One has to explore India and neighbouring countries on regional  history from the perspective of language. Prakrit as older than Sanskrit, while the general perception is that Sanskrit is the oldest language and the mother of many other languages. Buddhism is not the name of a religion but that of a civilization. Researchers are now claiming that Vedic religion had flourished in the north-western region of the Indian sub-continent while Buddhism rose in the east.  Had Buddhism been a reaction to the Vedic religion, it would have risen in the western part of the country instead of in Keekat Pradesh (Magadha), which was untouched by the Aryans.  

Researchers are now referring to Ashokan inscriptions and the statements and the travelogues of foreigners who travelled to India.  Buddhist stream is older than the Vedic stream. They are also claiming that the Indus Valley Civilization was also a Buddhist Civilization. The way Buddha is shown draping a shawl and his idols bear striking resemblance to an idol excavated from the Indus valley. They are also saying that Sanskrit is the language of foreigners and Vedic civilization too is foreign. This is reason why foreign rulers like Shakas and Iranis were the first to get the inscriptions written in this language.

The researchers investigated 383 stone inscriptions of Shri Lanka  filled with value adding information to the general public. The impression management strategies used by Ceylonese kings to communicate with their subjects are consistent with those used by more modern charismatic leaders. However, the way strategies were implemented differed. This study contributes to the literature on the motivations and impression management techniques used by charismatic leaders and it adds to the limited knowledge on ancient Sri Lanka. Examining how charismatic leaders in the form of Ceylonese kings used inscriptions may provide insights into how modern-day chief executive officers or partners of major accounting practices use narrative components of annual reports and other forms of corporate communications to portray their leadership. Prakrit is the older language. Sanskrit came later. 

Chronicling history, historians made additions, alterations and used facts selectively. This history is just the history of those in power. In the words of Chinua Achebe “Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will glorify the hunter.” That is why, our regional culture is prominent, original culture is deformed and the history of the original inhabitants is patchy. Information system based on true evidences has become a true reality with the availability of growing archeological data, Data Sciences, sophisticated Statistical tools and modern AI based tools.

Stakeholder engagement

Human Capital development concept flourished under this Buddhist civilization. Rethinking on evidence-based issues by engaging younger generations will add value to their future planning. There is a serious requirement of engaging Think Tanks of the country to explore strategic opportunities to ensure that converging technologies are integrated into public sector policies, plans and programs in effective and equitable ways. Some of these technologies are already being used by the private sectors, however, not extensively for human capital development. There is a further need to identify constraints that prevent the effective implementation at the ground level, including the sectoral silos that need to be opened up to incorporate these technologies to produce greater impact. And this is particularly pertinent in the context of implementing policies and programs in the relatively new (and fragile) federal structure, in which converging technologies could potentially offer more effective pathways to improve service delivery. IT forces of the nation should be integrated along with concerned stakeholders to strengthen better service delivery at the ground level of the fragile federal structure of Nepal.

Converging Technology revolution

The converging technology revolution comprises the synergistic combination of four groups of technologies: Info-Technology, Bio-technology, Nano-Technology and Cognitive - Technologies. They go beyond digital technologies, although they are underpinned by the latter. Data is central to the converging technology revolution; a unique feature is the integration of data from the human, physical, biological and cyber worlds. High speed computing power and connectivity are the other two factors powering this revolution. These characteristics drive both the potential and the risks from the converging technology revolution. The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), itself a combination of information technology and cognitive science and made possible by the availability of vast amounts of data, cheap high speed computing power and ubiquitous connectivity, is further enabling and driving the converging technology revolution. These developments have profound implications for human capital – creating the possibility of rapid accumulation of human capital through technological innovations in education (e.g., by improving learning quality), health (e.g., by improving stunting or reducing non-communicable diseases) and social protection (e.g., by addressing informality of the labor force) sectors; as well as supporting sectors such as agriculture, water, energy, sectors critical for Nepal’s development. Defining policies that regulate technological convergence industry may not be simple or straightforward. Data collection and usage are tied to digital privacy issues because a piece or aggregation of information could identify an individual or reveal patterns in one’s activities. Converged or smart technologies leverage large volumes of data to try to improve the user experience by generating more tailored and anticipatory results. However, such data can potentially identify, locate, track, and monitor an individual without the person’s knowledge. Such data can also potentially be sold to third-party entities without an individual’s awareness. As the use of converged technologies continues to propagate, digital privacy issues will likely remain central. As converged devices generate and consume large volumes of data, multiple data security concerns have emerged: potentially increased number of access points susceptible to cyberattacks, linkage to physical security, and theft of data.  

Dynamics of rural transformation

The complexity of the rural transformation process calls for multi-layered governance and new forms of technical and financial assistance. There are many working groups and forums, with different constituencies and mandates, that explore the central and unifying role.

All Platform activities in the strategic initiative constitute a longer-term exercise in close cooperation with a growing number of institutions and initiatives towards the better-informed positioning of various stakeholders including donor programs within the new development framework. The process of rural transformation must thus be addressed by a policy agenda aimed at making rural transformation ecologically more sustainable and socially inclusive.

Building Technology platforms, Policies, the critical insight to a Nepal’s journey of success requires one to be able to work with and grow the ecosystem. IT sector also need to have volunteers from not-for-profit Think Tank, staffed mostly by volunteers from the tech world, who dedicate their time, energy and expertise towards Nepal’s hard problems. This group should remain committed to being in the background, taking pride in the success of partners who are solving for Nepal’s hard problems.

Information blind era

Most of the COVID-19 patients also believe in 33 crore “Devis and Devatas”  and remaining Muslims and Christians also believe in blind superstitions not founded on scientific knowledge, thus unable to comprehend the true complexities of this deadly disease. They were unfortunately overpopulating around temples, churches, and mosques and infecting more people around and spreading this deadly disease. They also cannot differentiate between misinformation floating on various print media, television, and social media. They are dying because of lack knowledge on such sensitivity of COVID-19 complexities.

People physically were not secure. Information too is not secure those days. People had to rely on people for extracting right information. Information used to be in the hands of who specialized in fooling and exploiting innocent mass. People are witnessing these days on propaganda designs of current powerful countries flowing distorted information. In olden days people had to rely on manipulators. For better livelihood of the people in current scenario of economic crisis there is a mass exodus of people specially from rural communities to migrate to more prosperous countries. Sensitive Data also resides in these sectors

Those who don't know history won't be able to improve the present and plan for future generations. Current generation will be able to describe a way that a past historical event could inform their understanding of the recent event. The Cultural Capital, Human Capital and Social Capital were high in Nepal in earlier days, however, youth should find out how such best practices spread from the land of Gautam Buddha into several other countries boosting economy and the same practices deteriorated in our own country. In West Indies countries schools’ children are taught about Nepal as a living museum of the world while teaching about original skills on craft and heritage of Nepal. The emperor of China handed over the daughter from the royal family to Arniko, an artist and Architect of Nepal because of the magnificent skill he possessed then. Many Nepalese people are introduced by Japanese experts to people in Japan and world  as people coming from the great nation where best management practices originated in ancient days and they quote the valuable contents written in old ancient carved stone slabs called Shilapatra known as stone documents in the Archeology department and Museums in Nepal. There is a serious need to analyze these trends in Nepal, offering a comprehensive agenda to exploit the opportunities offered by converging technologies while minimizing the risks to vulnerable populations. Researchers should study and propose the ancient Human capital system and draw strategies for building public sector capacity and promoting data and technology governance frameworks in a rapidly evolving technology landscape.

People were made to spend lives in darkness information which is not evident based info forced to believe facts which has not evidence who created such narratives brainwashed ancestors with fake news manipulated narratives ancestors failed to create directives for future generations. New emerging findings are based on carbon dated stone documents of ancient times. Such evidences were  replaced by the false narratives. Human Capital development was high during the times when stone documents were created. How did it deteriorate later?

Due to our culture and tradition Human Capital Development also took regressive turn with people leading unproductive lives. Negative minded enjoys their time criticizing others system. Youth should be engaged in recovering which faded way replacing by unproductive Human Capital development system. Unfortunately for so many generations people allowed superstitious belief system, their fear lobe inside brain to grow believing on illusionary system which doesn’t have any evidences of existences. They became speechless, stopped questioning, stopped arguing in order to survive because system penalized who start questioning. Data area got suppressed. People with unethical practices got promoted.

The international world tourists come here to Nepal to search for evidence based old heritage and culture.  They have initiated focusing on carbon dated stone documents and recovering the lost information on heritage of India and Nepal. Researchers are now taking great initiatives in discovering old information of the region.  Nepalese researchers should collaborate with researchers of other countries. Tourism ministry should take deep interest in this sector to enhance tourism value for international people.  In this exploration. There will growing needs of rediscovering lost information documents including our old Human Capital system.


Propaganda has been around for centuries, and the internet is only the latest means of communication to be abused to spread lies and misinformation. Information warfare  is a term used to describe the collection, distribution, modification, disruption, interference with, corruption, and degradation of information in order to gain some advantage over an adversary

Disinformation and fake news are spread on social media platforms, and mainstream and non-mainstream media. Social media platforms enable disinformation to spread faster and to a larger audience than other online platforms; depending on the platform, this can occur in real-time (e.g., Twitter). Automated bot accounts assist in this endeavor by spreading information at a faster and more frequent rate than individual users can.

Supporters of disinformation and bots also amplify disinformation and fake news online. Selective, repetitive, and frequent exposure to disinformation and fake news helps shape, reinforce, and confirm what is being communicated as valid. Governments are starting to recognize that fake news is something that must be actively fought. Various government agencies are now setting up services to debunk stories that they consider to be false. They are also considering imposing regulations and punishing sites that do publish misinformation.

In countries where already so much of money laundering practices are taking place people are getting cheated badly all the time even with the introduction of digital financial transactions. Promotion of Cybercrime is on rise and vigorously impacting country economics.  The emergence of new technology based financial transactions have benefited a lot, however, the regions where Human Capital is low will suffer even more. Lack of good model of regulation could minimize such disasters, however, the people in leadership positions don’t set priorities to mitigate the problem.  

People specially from rural ends   have migrated from rural agriculture-based industries to institutions abroad. This abrupt transition has impacted them to a sudden paradigm shift through digital world. Education system of our nation is very poor specially in rural ends. This confusion and vulnerability is very high for uneducated mass, This quick transition has become urgent. Covid 19 had shifted prosperity back to poorer state. People are forced to migrate abroad.  They have no choice but to adopt. Get hold of teachers, children, neighbors, relatives, communities and concerned stakeholder engagement is essential for aligning them to definite required directions

Current narratives are generated through social media including narratives broad casted by TV,  FM, print media which  need to be filtered. People who are migrating to economically sound pastures abroad are going there without proper education. They have no idea about manipulation by media with powerful smart devices in their hands. Filtering wrong information on smart devices is essential. Such strong information can make these uneducated masses most vulnerable to accidents. Ownership of this problem should be taken by all the statuary level of the government authorities.  Quality education with STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) program focusing on mathematical science should be rolled out at faster at grass root level.

Cyber security and Human Capial

Digital Framework Nepal initiatives program should   consider studying above details on recovering lost ancient Human Capital of Nepal and recovering informations embedded in ancient stone documents. Quality education can happen only through investment specially on the rural ends. Poor planning and poor investment in education sector has left people unproductive, Digital Framework Nepal program can only be effective only through Human Capital Development.


The cyber threat to  Nepal affects all aspects of society, business, and government, but there is neither a broad cadre of cyber experts nor an established cyber career field to build upon, particularly within the Federal government due to poor quality of education and lack of investment. The information infrastructure is vulnerable to threats not just from nation states but also from individuals and small groups who seek to do harm or who wish to exploit  weaknesses of under developed Human Capital for personal gain. People should be unified by a shared objective to help protect critical infrastructure by detecting, responding to and ultimately preventing cyber-attacks and accidents. There are many initiatives and efforts underway to strengthen the future cybersecurity environment by expanding cyber education including recovering lost ancient Human Capital of Nepal engaging all concerned stakeholders .