AI and Human-centered Society
In UN SDGs a priority has generally been placed on social, economic, and organizational systems with the result that gaps have arisen in products and services that individuals receive based on individual abilities and other reasons. New smart communications are available allowing new digital disruptions. Society 5.0 achieves advanced convergence between cyberspace and physical space, enabling AI-based on big data and robots to perform or support as an agent the work and adjustments that humans have done up to now. It would also contribute to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations. This is a society centered on each and every person.
This frees humans from everyday cumbersome work and tasks that they are not particularly good at, and through the creation of new value, it enables the provision of only those products and services that are needed to the people that need them at the time they are needed, thereby optimizing the entire social and organizational system.Achieving Society 5.0 with these attributes would enable the world as well to realize economic development while solving key social problems.
Nepalese society also start dreaming about achieving a human-centered society (Society 5.0) in which anyone can enjoy a high quality of life full of vigor. Nepal should also start drawing strategies to accomplish this by incorporating advanced technologies in diverse industries and social activities and fostering innovation to create new value by engaging all the concerned stakeholders.