Heera Devi Yami

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Prof. Timila Yami Thapa

स्वतन्त्र सेनानी हिरादेवी यमि

हिरादेवी यमि तुलाधरयात राष्ट्वादी नेता धर्मरत्न यमि तुलाधरया कला या रुपय् जक मखु नेपाः या छम्ह देशभक्त वीर मिसा कथं नं कायेगु याः । वय्कःया जन्म विं.सं १९७७ सालय् यें केलत्वालय् जूगु खः । वय्कःया बौं हेराकाजी कंसाकार व मां हेरामाया कंसाकार खः । उगु इलय् केलत्वाःया भंसाःछें धालकि तसकं नां जाः । ल्हासाय् वनीपिसं नां च्वकेगु थाय् भंसाःछेंया म्हायाय्मचा हिरादेवी । ल्हासाय् पसः दुपिं नये त्वनेगुली छुं समस्या मदुपि उदाय् समाजय् तःधंक नां दुपि ।

Dharma Ratna Yami : Prof. Manik Lal shrestha

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Prof. Manik Lal Shrestha

" In the year A. D. 1951 Dharma Ratna Yami  became Deputy Minister of Forest Ministry. He had advertised for a cook for his kitchen. He announced that the person should be from untouchable class and will be preferred. He had told the neighborhood communities and people in the valley. He selected a woman from Pode community . That woman for long time cooked in that house. One day he invited his relatives, friends including political leaders for a feast. He made this woman serve in the the feast. He felt that this was a very radical method of transforming these rigid traditional minded people and he felt it was important to create havoc among such people. People who did not know the cast of the lady serving ate, those who knew ran away. It was transition time of end of Rana government and formation of new government Some....

जातपात विरोधि : धर्मरत्न यमि र हिरादेवी यमि

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Nani Bdr Khadki

जातपात विरोधि ः धर्मरत्न यमि र हिरादेवी यमि

नानी बहादुर खड्गी

स्व धर्मरत्न यमि र स्व हिरादेवी यमिलाई श्री विष्णु भक्त भुजुको तर्फबाट मैले चिन्ने मौका पाएँ । राणाहरुको समयमा श्री भुजुले धर्मरत्नजीलाई मेरो घरमा लुकाउन ल्याउनु भएको हो । हिरादेवीज्यूले त्यसबेला लुकेर पार्टीहरुको गोप्य कागज र कुराहरु दिनुहुन्थ्यो ।
हिरादेवी पछि पार्टीको भित्र भित्रको कुराहरुमा चलेको थाहापाएर उहाँको पनि खोजी तलासी भयो र उहाँ पनि मेरै घरमा लुकेर बस्नु भयो । त्यो बेला अछुत जात भनेर सारै हेला हुन्थ्यो, कतै चलाउँदैनथ्यो । तर यमिजी र वहाँको श्रीमतीले मेरो घरमा लुकेर बस्नु हँुदा केही छुवाछुत गर्नु भएन संगै खुशीसाथ खान्थ्यौ । हिरादेवी लुकेर भूमिगत बस्नु हँुदा उमादेवी,जगदेश्वरी,केशरी प्रधानांग व्यास प्रधानांग, प्रेमरत्न बज्राचार्य, इन्दु ढोजू, , साहना प्रधानहरुसंग सम्पर्क राख्नु हुन्थ्यो ।

जातपात विरोधि : धर्मरत्न यमि र हिरादेवी यमि

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Nani Bdr Khadki

जातपात विरोधि ः धर्मरत्न यमि र हिरादेवी यमि

नानी बहादुर खड्गी

स्व धर्मरत्न यमि र स्व हिरादेवी यमिलाई श्री विष्णु भक्त भुजुको तर्फबाट मैले चिन्ने मौका पाएँ । राणाहरुको समयमा श्री भुजुले धर्मरत्नजीलाई मेरो घरमा लुकाउन ल्याउनु भएको हो । हिरादेवीज्यूले त्यसबेला लुकेर पार्टीहरुको गोप्य कागज र कुराहरु दिनुहुन्थ्यो ।
हिरादेवी पछि पार्टीको भित्र भित्रको कुराहरुमा चलेको थाहापाएर उहाँको पनि खोजी तलासी भयो र उहाँ पनि मेरै घरमा लुकेर बस्नु भयो । त्यो बेला अछुत जात भनेर सारै हेला हुन्थ्यो, कतै चलाउँदैनथ्यो । तर यमिजी र वहाँको श्रीमतीले मेरो घरमा लुकेर बस्नु हँुदा केही छुवाछुत गर्नु भएन संगै खुशीसाथ खान्थ्यौ । हिरादेवी लुकेर भूमिगत बस्नु हँुदा उमादेवी,जगदेश्वरी,केशरी प्रधानांग व्यास प्रधानांग, प्रेमरत्न बज्राचार्य, इन्दु ढोजू, , साहना प्रधानहरुसंग सम्पर्क राख्नु हुन्थ्यो ।

Dr. Ambedkar stay at YAMI HOUSE Kathmandu 1956

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SAMATA foundation

Stay at ‘ Yami House’ Kathmandu

Even the world Buddhist Conference was a war zone for Dr. Ambedkar, who had earned fame by popularizing the term ‘Dalit’ as an identity of self-respect for the “untouchables”. He had agreed to participate in the Kathmandu conference at the request of his colleagues, as he was physically unwell. Even amid his illness, he had set off to travel to Nepal along with his doctor, Dr.Malvankar, who was taking care of him. He and his team flew from Patna for Kathmandu on 14 November 1956. Also in his group were his wife, Dr.Savita Ambedkar; M.B.Chitnis, Principal of Milind Mahavidyalaya in Aurangabad; and B.H. Varel. He needed company and assistance of others when descending from the airport by holding to other’s arms. His health did not improve at all during his stay in Kathmandu.


Dr. Ambedkar stay at YAMI HOUSE Kathmandu 1956

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SAMATA foundation

Stay at ‘ Yami House’ Kathmandu

Even the world Buddhist Conference was a war zone for Dr. Ambedkar, who had earned fame by popularizing the term ‘Dalit’ as an identity of self-respect for the “untouchables”. He had agreed to participate in the Kathmandu conference at the request of his colleagues, as he was physically unwell. Even amid his illness, he had set off to travel to Nepal along with his doctor, Dr.Malvankar, who was taking care of him. He and his team flew from Patna for Kathmandu on 14 November 1956. Also in his group were his wife, Dr.Savita Ambedkar; M.B.Chitnis, Principal of Milind Mahavidyalaya in Aurangabad; and B.H. Varel. He needed company and assistance of others when descending from the airport by holding to other’s arms. His health did not improve at all during his stay in Kathmandu.


Dr. Ambedkar and काठमाडौंमा “यमि छेँ” मा बसाईँ

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Shhemata foundation

काठमाडौंमा “यमि छेँ” मा बसाईँ

संसारमा ‘दलित’ शव्दलाई आत्मसम्मानको पहिचानका रुपमा प्रख्याति दिलाएका डा.अम्बेडकरका लागि विश्व बौद्ध सम्मेलन पनि लडाइँको मोचा थियो । उनका सहकर्मीहरुको आग्रहका कारण उनी काठमाडौंमा हुने सम्मेलनमा सहभागी हुन तयार भएका थिए, जवकि उनी त्यसबेला शारीरिक रुपमा अस्वस्थ थिए । यस्तो अस्वस्सथताबीच पनि उनी आफ्नो स्वास्थ्य उपचारको जिम्मा लिदैं आएका डा.मालवंकरका साथ नेपालसम्मको यात्रामा निस्केका थिए । उनी र उनको समूह पटनाबाट काठमाडौका लागि १९५६ नोभृम्बर १४ मा उडेका थिए । उनको समूहमा उनकी पत्नी डा.सविता अम्वेडकरका साथै औरगाबादस्थित मिलिन्द महाविद्यालयका प्रिीन्सपल एम.बी चिट्निस र बी.एच.वारेल पनि थिए । विमानस्थलमा ओर्लिदा पनि उनलाई अरुको साथ र सहयोग जरुरी थियो । पाइलटको काँध समातेर प्लेनबाट झरेका डा.अम्बेडकर को स्वास्थमा काठमाडौं बसाइँमा पनि खासै सुधार भएन ।